Get our exclusive report. Download the iSport360 Club Switching Report Here – For Club Admins, Rec Leaders and Coaches.
10 Things That Require Zero Talent

For the last several months we’ve helped keep thousands of teams connected, active, and strong… whether training in person or virtually (get the full story from our company video here). As we return to play, we’ll continue to bring coaches, players and parents the tools, best practices, engaging articles, and a bit of humor to help you get through an uncertain time in our lives and in our kids’ sports. We can do this!
— Ian and the iSport360 Team —
Morning Workout With Kobe… and Never Getting Bored With The Basics

I never got to meet Kobe, but I treasure this story from my friend Alan Stein Jr. who recounts his 4am training session with Kobe. The key takeaway for every young aspiring athlete is: NEVER GET BORED WITH THE BASICS. If team practice starts at 7am, Kobe would get there at 4am. While all the other guys are practicing 3-point shots, Kobe practiced 6 footers in the paint. When his teammates would go out partying after games, Kobe would get back to the gym. I cherish this man’s level of dedication… and I hope this video will help you feel it too. Click here to read the full article.
A Scholarship Parent’s Proud Story: From the “B” Team to the Big Time

It’s been 25 years since I’d been in touch with my childhood friend Nicole. But I couldn’t resist reaching out to her recently, after seeing a Facebook post, to ask her if she would share her amazing story. After carpooling all over the Mid-Atlantic for years, and spending tens of thousands of dollars on training and gear, her son received a scholarship to a Top 10 Lacrosse school and was named an All-American. Wow! Click here to see her story…
The Power Of Being the Hardest Working Player On The Team

If your child joined a new sports team this year, then you may know how I’ve been feeling as a sports parent. My daughter was invited to join a 5th grade travel basketball team this season where all of the other girls on the team had been playing together for a full year. So my fun, athletic, confident daughter was suddenly the nervous, insecure new kid on the team trying to prove herself. Click here to read the full article.
Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.
October 28, 2020