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Are you Addicted to your Kids’ Sports? 🤔🤭🤫

Ian Goldberg is the Founder and CEO of iSport360, a SportsTech company that is helping 14,000 coaches, parents and kids set goals, share player feedback and track player development….all so our kids can have more success, more confidence and more fun.  Try iSport360 for free here.

I recently met Nick Buonocore, Founder of The Reformed Sports Parent and a recovering youth sports addict. After spending years pacing the sidelines of his kids’ games, living vicariously through them and always needing another game or tournament, Nick realized, he was addicted.

It’s amazing to hear Nick compare his behavior at his kids’ games to the behavior of people who battle addiction to drugs and alcohol.  And our own iSport360 Advisory Board member and Clinical Psychologist Dr. Stephen Feldman, validated that, “There is an element of compulsiveness in the behavior of the parent who engages in inappropriate sideline behavior.”.  Now Nick is calling on baseball friends like Nolan Ryan, Trot Nixon, Kevin Youkilis and others to get his message out.\

Nick Buonocore is the Founder of The Reformed Sports Parent.  He is a husband, father of 6, and former college athlete trying to do his part to help change the culture of youth sports so it’s more about THE KIDS and less about the parents. Learn more about The Reformed Sports Parent on Facebook or at

Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

June 20, 2019

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