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A Challenge to my Fellow Sports Parents


For over 20 years Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) has been helping coaches shape better players and better people in youth sports.  And that’s why I love sharing their amazingly funny, but oh-so-true video about how sideline parents’ behavior impacts their kids.

Truth is folks:  being a sports parents takes a lot of energy, patience, commitment….and yes, even self-control….I know first hand. But the next time your child gets knocked down, beat by an opponent, taken out of the game, put in a position you don’t like, I DARE YOU TO CHILL…..literally!


— Click here to watch the full video.

Ian Goldberg is a sports dad, coach and the Founder of iSport360.  His SportsTech company is helping over  100,000 youth sport coaches, parents and kids set goals, share player feedback, instructional videos and sticker rewards….all to foster healthy team communication and culture. Click here for more info on

Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

March 2, 2020

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