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The Chaotic World of Youth Sports — Vol 28 Poking Fun At Youth Sports

iSport360_Newsletter_Youth SportsI am a sports parent and coach; I know that youth sports can be extremely complicated at times. I’d like to share some articles that may help you or shed light on the challenges we endure. There are also some humorous articles that might even give us an opportunity to laugh at ourselves. Thanks for reading! Please share this newsletter with your social networks.

James Corden & Kevin James are Poking Fun at Youth Sport Parents… Can We Blame Them?Screen Shot 2017-05-30 at 3.53.24 PM

Being a youth sports parent gives me a bit of license to poke fun at some of the crazy things that we do and say on the sidelines of our kids’ games. After all, that is one of the reasons we write this newsletter.  But James Corden and Kevin James are taking it to a whole new level.  Especially after a holiday weekend filled with soccer tournaments, baseball tournaments and softball tournaments, please tell me they are not poking fun at YOU in this video!

Unknown-2Developing the “Self-Aware” Athlete

How can a young athlete be aware of how they stack up to their goals, their peers, their competitors without a healthy dose of feedback from their coach.

Developing Self-awareness

This insightful infographic from English company BelievePerform gives suggestions for sharing feedback… and making iSport360 your player feedback platform supports all of them. Read the full story here.


The Importance of Ongoing FeedbackUnknown-1

At a time when 70% of global corporations are moving away from annual reviews in favor of ongoing feedback, why are we not applying the same ongoing feedback model to youth athletes? iSport360 can help. Read more about the death of annual feedback models here.

Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

May 31, 2017

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