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The Chaotic World of Youth Sports — Vol 42

HolidayPhoto2016_iSport360As a sports parent and coach, I know how complicated youth sports can be at times. So I’d like to share some helpful articles that shed light on the challenges we face… and some humorous ones that might even give us an opportunity to laugh at ourselves. Thanks for reading and please share this newsletter with your social networks.

Did You Know That Kids Want To Hear “Nothing” From The SidelinesScreen Shot 2017-12-13 at 5.42.32 PM

The Positive Coaching Alliance and John O’Sullivan, Author of “Changing The Game”,  have both been an inspiration to iSport360. The Positive Coaching Alliance has been building “Better Athletes, Better People” for 20 years and John’s 2013 book opened our eyes to the need for parents and coaches to put the focus of youth sports back on our kids. So when a thought-leader like John O’Sullivan is saying the same thing to his team parents that I say to mine, it’s worth sharing… and worth the 90 seconds to hear his perspective. Click here to watch the video.

7827a4ed-371e-4e17-8649-909a2cf30bfeShare Player Feedback This Winter Sports Season

Winter cheer is here and so is WINTER SPORTS SEASON. Now is the time to set your team up for success with iSport360, the first-ever mobile app for coaches and sports parents to share objective player feedback.

  • Use our sport-, age- and gender-specific SPORT STANDARDS to set goals for your players

  • Start sharing POST GAME FEEDBACK between coaches, parents and players

  • Start sharing fair PLAYER EVALUATIONS…..and have your players do a self-evaluation

  • Start sharing our STICKERS AND EMOJIS with the kids on your team.

While you do that, we will continue to bring sports parents and coaches tools, education and humor.  Click here for the latest article we wrote in defense of sports parents (in collaboration with TEAMSNAP).

Have a safe and joyous winter sports season. 👍

Thank You To Hockey Canada For Reminding Us: “It’s Just A Game!”pttotd

No sports parent likes being told what to do… but it doesn’t hurt to have a laugh while watching videos of what NOT to do. So thank you to Hockey Canada for creating a campaign about how parents SHOULD NOT behave at their kids’ games. So let’s remember:  It’s Just A Game. Click here to watch the video.


Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

December 20, 2017

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