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The Elusive Soccer Report Card

The Powerful Value of The Youth Soccer Report Card

Youth Soccer iSport360

Click here to see how iSport360 is helping coaches and parents share objective feedback on their players. 

With Winter season wrapping up and Spring season approaching, now is the time for coaches to set up a roster on iSport360 and start sharing feedback.  It’s also the time for sport parents to ask their coaches and trainers to share feedback with iSport360.  To quote this week’s article from The Institute for Soccer Parenting:

“Imagine how bizarre it would be for your child to go to school an entire year and never bring home a report card.”

Don’t let that be the case for your youth athletes.  Please setup your FREE account here (  Take 90 seconds to complete an objective and age appropriate player evaluation on iSport360 and see how that valuable feedback helps the players and parents on your team.

Click here to read the the full article.

Sports Parents who would like their coaches to share player feedback throughout the season should ask their coaches to sign up for iSport360 at

Have a great season!

Ian and the iSport360 Team

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Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

October 3, 2016

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