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FREE training videos from CoachTube


Our good friends at CoachTube have amassed the largest library of youth sports training videos in one online store.  Simply pick your sport, and the skill you need training in, and CoachTube provides dozens of videos to help your young athlete…..frequently from a celebrity coach such as soccer player Mia Hamm or Michigan State Basketball Coach Tom Izzo.  In the words of Founder Wade Floyd, “ CoachTube is a place for young athletes to learn from the best coaches in the world regardless of geography or income.”

Below are links to some FREE online training videos that may help you and your athlete this Spring, including a Sports Parenting course with author, psychologist and WFAN radio host Rick Wolff:

Free Course on Sports Parenting with Rick Wolff, Radio Host of WFAN “The Sports Edge”

Speed and Agility Training with Mike Jackson, National Ultimate Frisbee Champion

Lacrosse Basics:  Offensive Techniques with Liam Banks, Professional Lacrosse Player

Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

February 27, 2018

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