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iSport360 Working with the Aspen Institute to Keep Kids Active

While the Aspen Institute and their Project Play 2020 Initiative might not be household names among youth sport coaches and parents, iSport360 wants to help it become one.  If you’ve ever heard of them before, it might be because of their highly regarded annual State of Play Report which provides the most comprehensive data on kids in sports. Thanks to support from big brands, community leaders and cities around the world, Aspen Institute Sports and Society Program is convening leaders, fostering dialogue and inspiring solutions that serve active kids.

What’s amazing about this video is that experts of all kinds are talking about how “travel sports” do not equate to “better athletes”.  In fact, they all suggest postponing travel sports to reduce burnout, overuse injuries and the financial commitment.  So take it from Harold Reynolds from the MLB, Tom Farrey of Aspen Institute and Angela Ruggiero Hockey Hall of Famer…specialization at an early age is not what’s best for your player.

Keep an eye out for more great things to come from our new partnership with Aspen Institute Sports and Society Program.

An initiative of the Aspen Institute Sports & Society Program,  Project Play develops, applies and shares knowledge that helps stakeholders build healthy communities through sports. For more information

Founding members of Project Play 2020 include:

NBC Sports Group, Nike, Target, National Basketball Association, Major League Baseball, Dick’s Sporting Goods Foundation, U.S. Olympic Committee, Hospital for Special Surgery, PGA of America, Ralph C. Wilson Jr. Foundation, New York Road Runners, National Fitness Foundation, American College of Sports Medicine, Sports Facilities Advisory, Global Obesity Prevention Center at Johns Hopkins University, and SFIA.

 iSport360 is a new SportsTech company solving the biggest problems in youth sports today.  It’s mobile app and engaging blog are helping 60,000 sports parents and coaches improve their kids’ youth sports experience.  Try our mobile app which helps coaches and parents set goals, share objective player feedback and conduct player evaluations. Get your season started right now for FREE at or download our iSport360 app here:

Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

February 13, 2018

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