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LeBron Thinks We Are Overworking Our Young Athletes… Do You Agree? 😮🏀🤔

As a sports parent and coach, I know how complicated youth sports can be at times. So I’d like to share some helpful articles that shed light on the challenges we face… and some funny ones that might even give us an opportunity to laugh at ourselves. Please enjoy… and please click here to try our iSport360 app… 80,000 coaches, players and parents set goals, share player feedback, foster healthy team communication and engage parents in a positive way with our platform. Our goal is simple: to help kids have more success, more confidence, and more fun. The complete list of sports available on Sport360: Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Futsal, Ice Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball.
— Ian and the iSport360 Team —
Sonya Curry: Take A Step Back & Don’t Solve All Your Kids Problems

Our good friends at Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) sat down with Sonya Curry, mom of NBA players Steph and Seth Curry, and daughter Sydel. Love that this former college athlete and mom of superstar ball players is talking about a topic that is close to our heart: Empowerment of our young athletes. Click here to watch the video.
LeBron Thinks We Are Overworking Our Young Athletes… Do You Agree?

LeBron James couldn’t have been clearer with his words: “There were a few tournaments where my kids Bronny and Bryce had five games in one day and that’s just *expletive* out of control”. Does he have a point? Click here to read more.
The Adversity Framework

I have been coaching basketball for over a decade, and coaching youth basketball for the past 3 years here in New York City. While working in youth development, in any city, there are struggles and the landscape of youth sports is ever changing, and ever challenging. New York City may bring a plethora of basketball crazed kids and families, it also brings challenges. Click here to read about the two trends that I have seen a large spike in the past couple seasons, both centered around adversity.
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November 27, 2019