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Player-led Teams Always Outperform Coach-led Teams

Ian Goldberg is a sports dad, coach and the Founder of iSport360.  His SportsTech company is helping 80,000 youth sport coaches, parents and kids set goals, share player feedback, foster healthy team communication and engage parents in a positive way….all so our kids can have more success, more confidence and more fun.  Try iSport360 for free here.

Thanks to performance coach and author Alan Stein Jr. for sharing this video and reminding us that player-led teams always outperform coach-led teams.  This is true at the pro level but should be a goal for youth sports teams too.  There is no doubt that as the kids get older, they should be taking control of their own team, their own development and their own success.  In learning circles, we talk about “empowering” kids to become “self-aware” as an athlete and as a person.  This type of player doesn’t need a coach shouting instructions from the sideline.  This kind of player doesn’t need a parent telling them to practice more.  This kind of player rises high and lifts the team with them.

Hoping this video inspires you to nurture player-led teams and self-aware athletes. Have a great sports week.

 iSport360 is a new mobile app for coaches and sport parents to set goals, share objective player feedback and conduct player evaluations. Get your season started right now for FREE at or download our iSport360 app here:


Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

August 6, 2019

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