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Podcast Interview with Ian Goldberg, Founder of iSport360: Improving the Parent-Coach Feedback Loop

Screen-Shot-2018-01-29-at-3.39.20-PMCraig Haworth is not only the host of the Winning Youth Coaching podcast but also someone who I’ve learned a lot from about coaching young athletes.  Beyond the Xs and Os in youth sports, Craig focuses on developing better coaches, better athletes and a better environment for our kids.  Craig taught me about empowering young athletes to take control of their development and their destiny.  In this podcast Craig and I talk about all that’s great… and terrible… in youth sports and how we can improve the experience for coaches, parents and of course, our kids. Click to hear our lively exchange. Unknown-1
iSport360 is the first-ever platform for coaches and parents to share objective player feedback throughout the sports season.  Click here to get started.  

Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

February 1, 2018

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