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Profluence Sports Podcast with CEO of iSport360, Ian Goldberg

Listen to Ian Goldberg, CEO of iSport360 as a guest speaker on the Profluence Podcast – where business and sports meet. Get Ian’s take on topics about how parents spend money, player pressures and to specialize or not. 

Launched in 2017, iSport360 has raised ~$2M in capital to help youth sports coaches, players, and parents set goals, foster healthy team communication, and engage in a positive way. Besides running iSport360, Ian has been a keynote speaker on important topics in youth sports like sports specialization, parent involvement, player development and the business side.

As youth sports continue to grow into a multi billion dollar industry, how are parents, coaches, players and clubs dealing with it? Ian speaks about these topics an more in this 29 minute podcast with CEO of Profluence Sports, Andrew Petcash

Hear about these captivating topics:

  • JR NBA Leadership Summit
  • Ian’s Journey in Youth Sports
  • Problems in Youth Sports
  • Money + NIL Moving Downstream
  • Overview on iSport360
  • Private Equity Entering Youth Sports
  • Innovations Needed in Amateur Athletics
  • AAU + Club “tier” Landscape
  • Specialization or Not?

To learn more about iSport360, click here.

Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

June 12, 2023

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