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Serving Others (A tribute to former President George H.W. Bush)


Many years before starting iSport360, I started my career working for President George H.W. Bush, a man who served his country as a Navy pilot, Ambassador, CIA Director, Congressman, Vice President and President.  This week, as we pay tribute to the late President, an article from Performance Coach Alan Stein Jr. caught my eye, talking about serving others and the influence of servant leaders…in sport, in business and government too.

 Please click here to read Alan’s recent article “Serving Others”.  And check out his upcoming book “Raise Your Game” here.

 And for those servant leaders who are bold enough to coach their kids’ sports teams, share feedback and set goals using iSport360 this season.   Get your season started right now for FREE at or download our iSport360 app here:

Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

December 4, 2018

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