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Steph Curry on Early Sport Specialization 🏀 …& More!

As a sports parent and coach, I know how complicated youth sports can be at times. So I’d like to share some helpful articles that shed light on the challenges we face… and some funny ones that might even give us an opportunity to laugh at ourselves. Please enjoy… and please click here to try our iSport360 app, which helps coaches, kids and parents set goals, share player feedback and track player progress throughout the season. Our goal is simple: to help kids have more success, more confidence, and more fun.

Ian and the iSport360 Team


Steph Curry Talks About Why He Played Multiple Sports

At iSport360, we always talk about the important reasons kids should be playing multiple sports: to be a well rounded athlete, to avoid overuse injuries and to avoid burnout. But our friends at the Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) got Steph Curry talking about how playing multiple sports brought him outside his comfort zone, built his confidence, and taught him how to fail and recover. Click here to watch the video.

Making Parents Part of The Process in Youth Sports

As a sports dad, youth sport coach, and creator of an app for youth sports, I’ve heard many different perspectives on the role that parents should play in their kids’ youth sports experience. I’ve heard some hard nosed coaches say, “No parent is going to tell me how to coach this team.” I’ve also heard some parents, even with kids at the college level saying “I deserve more communication from the coach.” Learn six ways to bridge the gap here.


Win $500 for Your High School Sports Team

The Aspen Institute, in partnership with Hospital for Special Surgery, is conducting a national search to identify exemplary and innovative high school sports teams that model best practices for developing healthy athletes. Apply here to demonstrate how your high school sports team builds athletes for life and creates healthy communities. Learn More.

Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

April 3, 2019

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