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What Every Coach Should Be Telling Their Players TODAY 👊❤️✌️

If you’re thinking about how to communicate with your team or your organization during this time of uncertainty and unrest in our country, here’s an idea. Take it and make it your own, but make sure every player receives your message loud and clear.
From Coach to the Team….
Regardless of your religion, your nationality, the color of your skin, your gender, I need you to know that I love each and every one of you.
I love that you leave Sunday games in a rush to get to your traditional Sunday family dinner.
I love that you leave Friday afternoon practice in a hurry to get to Temple.
I love that you go to church every Sunday morning and have to change into your uniform in the car ride to the game.
I love that you fast all month but still find the energy to participate in team practice.
I love that you skipped a practice to join your family at a peaceful protest.
I love that you organize your teammates to help the needy in our neighborhood.
I love you all because we are a team. We accept each other, we support each other and we learn from each other. Let’s all work hard to teach this lesson to every person around us.
Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.
June 9, 2020