Get our exclusive report. Download the iSport360 Club Switching Report Here – For Club Admins, Rec Leaders and Coaches.
Is COVID-19 the End of High Fives, Fist Bumps and Butt Pats 🙌👊🖐

From now until the COVID-19 crisis subsides, we will start by offering the iSport360 app for free to every team and club that needs to stay connected and strong this season. Then, as always, we share uplifting sports stories and invite you to share your own story with our newsletter audience (please submit your article to Youth sports has taught our kids leadership, perseverance and mental toughness that is now being put to the test. Let’s keep our teams and families strong and healthy. We can do this!
— Ian and the iSport360 Team —
Is COVID-19 the End of High Fives, Fist Bumps & Butt Pats…We Hope Not!

In 2006 Steve Nash was named MVP by the NBA and led the league in high fives, fist bumps and butt pats (WHAT???). It’s true! In this video, Alan Stein Jr. one of the most powerful storytellers and motivational keynote speakers, explains how high fives, fist bumps and butt pats were the magic behind Nash’s MVP trophy and his team’s success. Click here to watch the video.
iSport360 Giving Its App Away For Free

In the face of the COVID-19 crisis, iSport360 and its Board of Directors has decided to support the youth sports community by offering our platform for FREE to every team and club this season. During the COVID-19 crisis, games may be cancelled but we want to keep your team strong and connected. Start sharing training videos, practice assignments, sticker rewards and teammate communication in your virtual locker room. Click here to get started.
Keep the Team and Your Sanity Together in This Interrupted Sports Season

Thanks to Dr. Marianne Engle and our friends at inCOURAGE for supporting the youth sports community through this COVID-19 crisis. Their videos, blog posts and articles are helping us keep it all together. Click here to read more about keeping your team and your sanity strong.
Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.
April 15, 2020