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5 Fun Ways to Turn Your Sports Tournament Into a Vacation

I will always cherish the road trips to youth sports tournaments with my kids. Every trip we went on required a mix of a zoo visit, ice cream, shopping and a nice dinner to pass the time between games. Sometimes we would hit up all of these or just one. Regardless, it all came down to enjoying the things they love and creating fond memories. 

Summer youth sports tournaments are a fantastic way for young athletes to showcase their skills and compete against other teams from around the country.

Stay hydrated and well-fed

Staying hydrated and well-fed is essential for optimal performance and enjoyment during a tournament. Make sure to pack plenty of water and healthy snacks, like fruits and nuts, to keep energy levels up throughout the day. Avoid sugary and processed foods, as these can lead to crashes and lower energy levels.

TIP: Parents, pack something unexpected, healthy, and fun for your next trip. It’s always a nice surprise to give out a new treat to your young athlete and their teammates.

Make new friends

Tournaments provide an excellent opportunity to meet other athletes and make new friends. Take advantage of this by introducing yourself to players from other teams and participating in activities outside of the games, such as team dinners or sightseeing tours. Not only will this make the experience more enjoyable, but it will also help to foster a sense of camaraderie and sportsmanship.

TIP: Plan a team dinner. Team dinners are always fun and a great way  to get to know your teammates on a personal level.

This article is provided by iSport360, a youth sports software company that helps young athletes and their team improve communication, organization and player development. Learn how to make every youth sports season a success for players, coaches and parents.

Take breaks and rest

It’s essential to take breaks, and rest during a tournament, which can help to avoid burnout and fatigue. Take advantage of downtime between games to relax, stretch, and recover. Consider participating in non-sport activities like yoga or meditation to help relax and recharge.

TIP: Marriott Bonvoy locations have great spaces to relax outdoors or check out the gym to do yoga and de-stress.

Enjoy the surroundings

Summer youth sports tournaments often take place in exciting and picturesque locations. Take time to explore your surroundings and enjoy local attractions and activities. This could be anything from hiking a nearby trail to visiting a local museum or amusement park.

TIP: If you are doing a 1 day tourney, ice cream or another sweet treat is a great way to do something fun in between games! If you’re around for the weekend, stop by the front desk at your Marriott Bonvoy hotel to hear about the best things to do and see in town.

Keep it in perspective

While tournaments are undoubtedly exciting, it’s important to remember to keep things in perspective. Remember that winning is not everything and that the experience itself is just as valuable. Try not to put too much pressure on yourself or your team, and focus on having fun and doing your best.

TIP: Enjoy the time away from home and recap all of the fun you had while on the road – regardless of the result of games.

Have fun this summer, the time goes by fast so stop and be present in the moment. Remember to stay hydrated and well-fed, make new friends, set goals and celebrate achievements, stay positive and supportive, take breaks and rest, enjoy the surroundings, and keep things in perspective. 

Learn more or Book a Demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

May 26, 2023

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