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Amazing New Hockey Training Technique for Youth Athletes With Autism and Dyslexia

 NBC Nightly News turned me on to this inspiring story of a coach and a simple training system that is helping youth athletes with Autism and Dyslexia.  Coach Joe Dellanno of Smart Light Sports in Woburn, MA is projecting images and visual cues onto the hockey surface so kids can easily follow directions and improve their skills.  He has been recognized by NBC Nightly News and The Boston Globe, and has now expanded his training technique to other sports such as lacrosse and baseball.  To understand the research behind the method, you can watch this video produced by Bedford, MA based LABBB Educational Collaborative, an organization that designs and delivers special education services. Click here for the full story.
Ian Goldberg is the CEO of iSport360, a new platform for coaches, sport parents and kids to share objective player feedback and conduct player evaluations. Get your season started right at

Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

October 17, 2017

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