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The Chaotic World of Youth Sports — Vol 36

iSport360_Newsletter_Youth SportsAs a sports parent and coach, I know how complicated youth sports can be at times. So I’d like to share some helpful articles that shed light on the challenges we face… and some humorous ones that might even give us an opportunity to laugh at ourselves. Thanks for reading and please share this newsletter with your social networks.

“Bringing Humor To The Serious Business Of Youth Sports”

That is the spirit that inspires us at iSport360.  And like PCA, we try to bring humor to this “serious” business of youth sports.  So we were thrilled to stumble upon this amazingly funny, but oh-so-true, video about how parents’ sideline behavior impacts their kids.  So please watch the video here… and I DARE YOU TO CHILL #DareToChill. — Click here to watch the full video.

40,000 Sports Parents Can’t Be Wrong

Over the last year we have welcomed feedback from our 40,000 app users and newsletter subscribers.  The result of your input and our team’s hard work is the new downloadable version 2.0 that went live in the app stores yesterday.  New design, new features, mobile-friendly, better navigation….and now with a messaging platform so you can close the feedback loop between coaches, parents and players. Check it out!

A Novel Experiment To Empower Athletes… Will You Join Us?

I’m a sports dad and coach who has spent the last 3 years researching the dynamics of youth sport families.  And I have been noticing a disturbing trend.   Does this routine sound familiar to you? Click here to read the full story.

Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

September 20, 2017

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