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How GiveSport360 and Eyekonz Lacrosse Made Player Development Key to Success

In celebration of the Aspen Institute’s Project Play Summit in our nation’s capital this week, hear how iSport360 is helping Eyekonz Sports bring lacrosse and field hockey to girls in inner city Philadelphia.
eyekonz lacrosse
Through its GiveSport360 social responsibility program, iSport360 has provided a platform to keep Eyekonz players and teams engaged, organized and sharp. The program has had so much impact that it has been recognized by Nike in its short film “In Good Company: Eyekonz”.
See how iSport360 helped Eyekonz on their journey and how our technology can help your players have more success on the field, and off.
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For more information on Eyekonz, click here.

Our Mission is to Empower, Educate and Motivate the next generation of field hockey and lacrosse Olympians. It is our belief, that through the structure and development of playing field hockey, we will provide our girls & boys with the skill set and development they need in areas such as sportsmanship, healthy lifestyle, team work, self- esteem, history of their culture, healthy body image and academic achievement. This will translate into a wholesome productive lifestyle, on and off the field.

Throughout this league, they will also have curriculum that are designed to prepare them for life, such as African/Kemetic /African-American history, Hispanic History ,etiquette, mediation/yoga, self love, daily affirmations, finical literacy, visualization exercises, healthy eating and lifestyle choices. Eyekonz Sports League, the creator of Eyekonz Field Hockey and Lacrosse, has also partnered with Drexel University’s Engineering Department to create opportunities for the girls & boys to gain access into this growing field. Our girls & boys must also complete 8 hours of community service within their neighborhood, as well as have their school report cards reviewed to ensure academic standards are being met. We offer this unique approach to our league to create a platform for success within our community, while providing the tools necessary to foster the next generation to achieve whatever they put their minds to.

Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

May 1, 2022

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