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iSport360: Launches Next-Generation App & Website 👍
For the last several months we’ve helped keep thousands of teams stay connected, active, and strong… whether training in person or virtually. As you start the new sports season, we will continue to bring you the tools, best practices, engaging articles, and a bit of humor to help you get through an uncertain time in our lives and in our kids’ sports. We can do this!
— Ian and the iSport360 Team —
iSport360 Launches Their Next-Generation App & Website
What do you do when the world hands your business a pandemic??? You take advantage of the situation! (I’m sure there’s a great lesson hidden somewhere in there for our athletes). When our world turned upside down 6 months ago, iSport360 decided to use that time to build the next generation of its app (and our website) for the “new normal”. Check out what our customers asked us to build.
In This Time of Uncertainty & Unrest: What I Want My Athlete To Know
Certain principles hold true for young athletes regardless of what is going on in the world around them. And I’m grateful for some amazing words of wisdom from my good friend and incredible motivational speaker Alan Stein Jr. Here are the things every young athlete should know today, tomorrow, on the field, off the field, at school and at home. Perhaps these can be great conversation starters for your athlete.
Filling Their Emotional Tank With The Buddy System
Laugh if you want. But I introduced the Buddy System to my daughter’s U10 soccer team and the girls took to it instantly. In short, each girl was buddied up with another player and was in charge of filling their buddy’s emotional tank. That meant celebrating their buddy’s accomplishments and helping to shake off their buddy’s mistakes. It put the responsibility of positive reinforcement, leadership and accountability into the hands of these young players. Click here to watch the video and read the full article.
Amazing New Training Technique For Children With Autism & Dyslexia
NBC Nightly News turned me on to this inspiring story of a coach and a simple training system that is helping youth athletes with Autism and Dyslexia. Coach Joe Dellanno of Smart Light Sports in Woburn, MA is projecting images and visual cues onto the hockey surface so kids can easily follow directions and improve their skills. He has been recognized by NBC Nightly News and The Boston Globe, and has now expanded his training technique to other sports such as lacrosse and baseball. Click here to watch the video & learn more. |
Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.
September 3, 2020