Get our exclusive report. Download the iSport360 Club Switching Report Here – For Club Admins, Rec Leaders and Coaches.
iSport360 Newsletter: An Important Message From Our Founder 📹

From now until every young athlete returns to play, we will start by offering the iSport360 app for free to every team and club that needs to stay connected and strong through the COVID-19 crisis and beyond. Youth sports has taught our kids leadership, perseverance and mental toughness that is now being put to the test. Let’s keep our teams and families strong and healthy. So please give the iSport360 app a try with your team or club to set goals, share player feedback, instructional videos, sticker rewards, and player evaluations The complete list of sports available on iSport360: Baseball, Basketball, Cheerleading, Futsal, Ice Hockey, Lacrosse, Soccer, Softball, Volleyball. We can do this!
— Ian and the iSport360 Team —
A Message From Our Founder about Keeping Teams Connected, Active, & Strong
We never could have imagined this pandemic, but we were so happy to learn that teams were using our platform to stay connected, active and strong through the quarantine and as we return to play. We also used our time in “lockdown” to build the next generation of iSport360 with even more virtual features. So our platform can be as valuable to teams returning to play as we were to teams training virtually. Get the story from our Founder here. Click here to watch this awesome video!
Celebrating My 2000th Hour Of Volunteer Coaching (WHAT?!?!)
If I’ve done my math right, as I enter my 10th year of coaching my daughters in soccer and basketball, I will have surpassed 2,000 hours of volunteer coaching. What??!! Talk about having irrational exuberance for a cause! Click here if you are in the same boat. Click here if you are in the same boat… or to watch this inspirational video!
iSport360 On Changing The Game Podcast With John O’ Sullivan

John O’Sullivan is the author of the 2013 book Changing the Game and the host of the Changing the Game podcast, which features the top minds in sports, coaching, leadership and parenting. Listen as we discuss the how the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) is driving parent’s youth sports decisions, how the pressure of college athletes is now being put on 7 year olds and how coaches and parents can work together to help young athletes have more success, more confidence and more fun. Click here to listen and read the full article.
Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.
August 19, 2020