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James Corden and Kevin James are Poking Fun at Youth Sport Parents… Can we Blame Them?

Being a youth sports parent gives me a bit of license to poke fun at some of the crazy things that we do and say on the sidelines of our kids’ games….after all that is one of the reasons we write this newsletter.  But James Corden and Kevin James are taking it to a whole new level. Especially after a holiday weekend filled with soccer tournaments, baseball tournaments and softball tournaments, please tell me they are not poking fun at YOU in this video!
Ian Goldberg is the Founder and CEO of iSport360, a new SportsTech venture bringing objective sports standards, fair player evaluations and a platform for ongoing feedback to the chaotic world of youth sports.

Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

May 30, 2017

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