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Morning Workout With Kobe and Never Getting Bored With The Basics

I never got to meet Kobe, but I treasure this story from my friend Alan Stein Jr. who recounts his 4am training session with Kobe. The key takeaway for every young aspiring athlete is: Never get bored with the basics. If team practice starts at 7am, Kobe would get there at 4am. While all the other guys are practicing 3-point shots, Kobe practiced 6-footers in the paint. 

I cherish this man’s level of dedication… and I hope this video will help you feel it too.

Want to hear more from Alan Stein Jr., click here for his book.  This survival guide has one goal–to help you successfully navigate the world of youth sports.

For more on helping your athlete grow, click here

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February 4, 2023

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