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Overuse Injuries on the Rise in Youth Sports
Dr. Bob Weil has been known as the “Sports Doctor” for over 30 years. Even before it was cool, Dr. Weil was raising the alarm on athlete overuse injuries, mental health of young athletes, overbearing sideline parents and early sport specialization. So it was an honor to have our Founder and CEO Ian Goldberg appear as a featured guest on Dr. Weil’s international radio show.
In this episode, hear Ian talk about:
- The terror of tryout season
- Keeping your athletes feet and ankles healthy
- Opening lines of communication between coaches and athletes
- Understanding the sports parent psyche
- How iSport360 is helping every coach and athlete have a successful sports season (while making parents an important part of the process)
Need some help with your player(s) during tryout season, we have some tips here.
Ian is a passionate sports dad, youth sport coach and Founder of iSport360. He spends more time at the ballfields than most, but considers it valuable R&D for the company. As the Editor of the iSport360 newsletter and thought leader in the youth sport industry, Ian is a frequent speaker at industry events and was recently invited to join the National Advisory Board for the National Alliance for Youth Sports.
Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.
March 12, 2023