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Preparing Coaches for the New Normal

Preparing coaches for the new normal, I always appreciate the perspective of Koach Karl Dewazian and his FUNdamental approach to the beautiful art of coaching.  In this recent post he and Coach Tony Filicchia get us focused on what is most important when coaching in the “new normal”.  Here are 8 great recommendations for coaches in every sport at every level:

1. Be yourself

2. Say at least one nice thing to each player each day.

3. Control the controllable

4. Set high expectations for yourself and your team. 

5. Don’t allow the winning and losing to define you. 

6. Take lots of pictures. 

7. Train your players as much as you can with a ball at their feet

8. Finally, smile a lot and make it fun. 

Read the full article here.

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September 15, 2020

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