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Sports Nutrition: Fueling on the Road

A coach doesn’t want a “hangry” player on their hands aka hungry and now angry. Snacking and eating on the go can be hard, but it doesn’t have to be. Make sure sports nutrition is at the forefront of how you plan your trips. Here are some tips on what do to before and while you are away that can help.

Before You Go: Sports Nutrition

If you are driving, it is easy to pack a little cooler of snacks like sandwiches, fruit and granola bars. This way you can keep fueled while you are traveling. If you are flying, you can easily pack snacks and carry them onto the plane. This helps cut some costs while you travel.

Before you go, bring drinks with you like water and sports drinks. This way you can save some money when you are at the tourney venue. 

Pro Tip: Pack fruit – it is so easy to have on hand and also fills you up. When you stay at Marriott Bonvoy you have many choices of snacks and it is easy to grab and go. 

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During Your Trip: Cook and Pack on the Go

Before your tournament, make sure that you drink enough water or sports drinks to stay hydrated. The rule of thumb is to hydrate the night before a tournament or game. This will keep you feeling energized and healthy during and after play. 

Breakfast really is the most important meal of the day. Whether it’s game day or any other day, starting off right is a must. Marriott Bonvoy offers free breakfast at select hotels, making it easy for your group to fuel up for whatever challenge lies ahead. 

At breakfast there are a few standard options. Make sure you get your protein and carbs. There are usually eggs, yogurt, fruit, cereal and more. If you aren’t sure what your hotel offers, just ask. 

Want to make your own meals? Check out the Marriott Bonvoy locations that have suites. The suites offer full kitchens with a large full sized refrigerator. It makes it easy to shop quickly, buy a few things and quickly cook your meals. You can do a shopping trip and cook your own food, plus prepare lunch items. This way you can save money on the road. This ensures you have a healthy option for lunch and dinner vs doing something quick like eating at the venue. Usually the quick meals are less healthy and less nutritious for an athlete on the go.

sports nutrition

Have a large group and are looking to cut costs while you travel. Check out Marriott Bonvoy options to grill outside. You can grill hamburgers and hotdogs for your team and get the parents involved. Easy ways to cut cost per family by not heading to a restaurant. Everyone can chip in and help, making it a fun team bonding event too!

Pro Tip: Splitting the cooked meals with another family or using the grill can help you save money while traveling. Plus helps with team bonding!

Good luck with your winter tournaments and games! 

About Marriott Bonvoy:

Where you stay when traveling for sports has an effect on how you perform. With so many properties nationwide, you can stay in close proximity to where you’re competing. And our hotels’ on-site amenities allow you and your team to be at your best for game day and beyond.

About iSport360:

For youth sports players, club administrators, coaches and parents, iSport360 is the leading sports technology platform that helps your players be the best they can be. With over 185,000 coaches and players on our platforms, our clubs rely on iSport360 to manage player development both on and off the field, court, pitch and ice. 

Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

November 9, 2022

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