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The New Sports Season is Here: Use 👍 or 👊 to Share Praise with Kids on Your Team… Literally.


Sideline parents and coaches are full of passion, energy and enthusiasm… we know because we are sports parents and coaches too.  A great way for us to share our passion and positive energy with the kids on our team is to share a sticker, emoji or positive message using iSport360.  Recognize the unsung hero in a game, share praise with a player who battled hard from the first whistle and watch your own child accumulate stickers and emojis from the rest of the team.  It’s really as easy as clicking one of these buttons, and you will see the power of your positive feedback immediately in your players. — Have a great sports season.

Parents and coaches can click here to log in to your account and start sharing player feedback with your team.  Or click here to set up a new account  on iSport360’s player feedback platform.
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Learn more or request a demo of our youth sports software that is helping teams improve communication, organization and player development.

May 8, 2018

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