iSport360 to Officiate Parent/Coach MMA Fights at Soccer Tournament

We thought that headline might get your attention.  Our friends at Weekly School News, New Jersey’s leading satirical news publication, always find new ways to help us laugh at ourselves.  So enjoy a good laugh about the sometimes fragile, always

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2019-06-07T12:43:49+00:00June 7, 2019|

Did you Know Kids Want to Hear “Nothing” From the Sidelines? Ian Goldberg is the Founder and CEO of iSport360, a SportsTech company that is helping 12,000 coaches, parents and kids set goals, share player feedback and track player development….all so our kids can have more success, more confidence and

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2019-04-29T10:41:01+00:00April 29, 2019|

HBO Real Sports on "The Price of Youth Sports"

Ian Goldberg is the Founder and CEO of iSport360, a SportsTech company that is helping thousands of coaches, parents and kids set goals, share player feedback and track player development….all so our kids can have more success, more confidence and

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2022-03-25T17:46:38+00:00December 4, 2018|
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