Playing Soccer with Israelis and Palestinians (WHAT?)

As a sports dad, coach and Founder of iSport360, I get to see youth sports from so many perspectives. But the fact is, on a recent visit to Israel, I brought my daughters to spend a day in a

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2023-11-28T02:47:58+00:00January 31, 2022|

16 Rules for Basketball Parents

Thank you Alan Stein, Jr., these 16 rules are so relevant across all sports and life. We love sharing Alan’s wisdom with our readers. Alan is a successful business owner and veteran basketball performance coach, he spent 15 years working

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2022-05-18T14:33:36+00:00December 7, 2021|

Youth sports referees are quitting in droves

The sports referee shortage is being attributed to a toxic combination of abuse from coaches and parents, low salaries, and COVID-19. Update from the Fall In a Journal Times article from December 5th, they are looking to train teenagers.

2021-12-21T21:34:13+00:00December 5, 2021|
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