Why Is “SHOOT” the Most Overused Word in Youth Sports?

I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a sports parent, grandparent, uncle or aunt yell “SHOOT” from the bleachers. If they only knew the harm it does! I actually lost track of the number of

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2023-07-17T02:24:45+00:00July 10, 2023|

Update on Overuse Injuries

Youth sports, and travel sports in particular, are more popular than ever. Unfortunately, along with all the positive parts of kids’ sports (there are many) is an alarming increase in injuries, especially overuse and repetitive motion types. Injuries happen

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2023-06-05T21:04:09+00:00May 2, 2023|

Overuse Injuries on the Rise in Youth Sports

Dr. Bob Weil has been known as the “Sports Doctor” for over 30 years.  Even before it was cool, Dr. Weil was raising the alarm on athlete overuse injuries, mental health of young athletes, overbearing sideline parents and early sport

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2023-03-12T12:54:50+00:00March 12, 2023|
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