Playing Soccer with Israelis and Palestinians (WHAT?)

As a sports dad, coach and Founder of iSport360, I get to see youth sports from so many perspectives. But the fact is, on a recent visit to Israel, I brought my daughters to spend a day in a

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2023-11-28T02:47:58+00:00January 31, 2022|

16 Rules for Basketball Parents

Thank you Alan Stein, Jr., these 16 rules are so relevant across all sports and life. We love sharing Alan’s wisdom with our readers. Alan is a successful business owner and veteran basketball performance coach, he spent 15 years working

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2022-05-18T14:33:36+00:00December 7, 2021|

3 Tips to Giving Thanks to Your Coach

Why should you give thanks? When people give thanks, they just feel better. And feeling better is a sure sign to help in other parts of your life, like sports. If players think about the best game they played, how did they feel that day? By showing gratitude, players show a kindness and a humbleness that helps with the game. It helps them stay focused.

2021-12-21T21:31:58+00:00November 23, 2021|
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