Why Is “SHOOT” the Most Overused Word in Youth Sports?

I wish I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard a sports parent, grandparent, uncle or aunt yell “SHOOT” from the bleachers. If they only knew the harm it does! I actually lost track of the number of

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2023-07-17T02:24:45+00:00July 10, 2023|

I Dare You to Chill: A Sports Parent's Guide to Enjoying Games

We have all been there as a sport parent. Trying to chill a bit but super passionate about what is happening on the field with our little youth sports athlete. So we are daring you to chill a bit and

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2020-11-09T22:19:00+00:00November 9, 2020|

A Challenge to my Fellow Sports Parents

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZDZiFRN590&feature=youtu.be   For over 20 years Positive Coaching Alliance (PCA) has been helping coaches shape better players and better people in youth sports.  And that's why I love sharing their amazingly funny, but oh-so-true video about how sideline parents' behavior

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2020-03-02T09:42:53+00:00March 2, 2020|
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