iSport360 Launches their Next-Generation App and Website

iSport360 launches their next-generation app and website. What do you do when the world hands your business a pandemic??? You take advantage of the situation! (I’m sure there’s a great lesson hidden somewhere in there for our athletes). When our

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2020-09-01T15:17:40+00:00September 1, 2020|

Steph Curry Demonstrating The Games We Are Learning To Play at Home

Ian Goldberg is a sports dad, coach and the Founder of iSport360.  His SportsTech company is helping over  100,000 youth sport coaches, parents and kids set goals, share player feedback, instructional videos, practice assignments and sticker rewards….all to foster healthy

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2020-04-01T14:36:35+00:00April 1, 2020|

iSport360: Your Team’s Virtual Locker Room

Especially at this unprecedented time when your team can’t be together, keeping team communication and culture alive is so important.   So help your teammates stay connected, keep their skills fresh, keep their minds and bodies healthy….virtually.   Learn more

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2020-03-19T08:50:37+00:00March 19, 2020|
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