Comprehensive Guide: What to Pack for Camp?

Summer camp is such a great experience for kids. It gets them out and about doing something they love, learning something new and usually making new friends. I remember the days of sending my kids to summer sports camp

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2024-06-10T20:29:01+00:00May 23, 2024|

Report: Youth Sports and Club Switching

We asked thousands of our subscribers a basic question. Why do youth sports athletes leave their travel club or sports program? Why is there club switching? Based on the Aspen Institute - Project Play and research out of the

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2024-07-25T18:16:39+00:00May 3, 2024|

What Difference can Nutrition Make?

Sports performance is largely determined by genetic potential, training, and psychological drive. Athletes at the top of their game will be built for their sport. These athletes will have an excellent training program, and be driven to win. Nutrition

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2024-03-21T10:15:10+00:00February 27, 2024|
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